How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • The Malleability of Human Creation

    The Malleability of Human Creation

    Human creation can come in many forms, yet express similar ideas between each of them. But, differently. Anyway, I nerd out some more here.

  • The Age of Print 

    The Age of Print 

    As times continue to change and the modern world becomes more digitized, how different is digital print from previous forms of writing?

  • Remediating Media

    Remediating Media

    An analysis of J.D. Applen’s chapter on Old and new media and how the remediation of media and technology develops over time.

  • Rhetoric… But Visual?

    Rhetoric… But Visual?

    Prehistory, a time before human had acquired the ability to record the times in writing, it was all visual. History was shown through varity types of art.

  • Visual Rhetoric

    Visual Rhetoric

    A look at how visual rhetoric relates to digital rhetoric along with an examination of Sonja Foss’ analysis of the aspects of visuals.

  • Visual Rhetoric and How it works as Digital Rhetoric

    Visual Rhetoric and How it works as Digital Rhetoric

    Digital Rhetoric by and large, uses Visual Rhetoric. As such, to best understand the latter rhetoric, one must understand the former