How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • Visual Rhetoric

    Visual Rhetoric

    Visual rhetoric employs the use of varying visual elements in order to convey a certain message to a specific audience. What does this mean?

  • Visual Rhetoric(s)

    Visual Rhetoric(s)

    Visual rhetoric shapes modern communication: from ads to activism, it’s vital in digital society, alongside digital and interdisciplinary approaches.

  • visual rhetoric

    visual rhetoric

    Visual rhetoric is the persuasive use of images, symbols, and visual elements to convey a message or argument. What do you know about it?

  • Wk 8: Visual Rhetoric – Our necessary aid

    Wk 8: Visual Rhetoric – Our necessary aid

    Contrary to traditional and verbal rhetoric, digital rhetoric strongly relies on visual aids to convey meaning. Its effectiveness relies on you!

  • Visual…Rhetoric?


    Finding the perfect definition of visual rhetoric, images and other designs help people understand meaning behind the creations.

  • Representational Image

    Representational Image

    This post goes over an example of a representational image, visual rhetoric, using some sort of white creature sitting meme.