How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • Representational Image

    Representational Image

    This post goes over an example of a representational image, visual rhetoric, using some sort of white creature sitting meme.

  • Visual Rhetoric and the Ways in Which it is Used

    Visual Rhetoric and the Ways in Which it is Used

    Whether it is defined as a representational image or anything created by human hands, it is crucial to examine the effects of visual rhetoric.

  • Text in Rhetoric

    Text in Rhetoric

    Criteria for digital text analysis include cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality, and intertextuality.

  • Visual Rhetoric

    Visual Rhetoric

    Diving into visual rhetoric and what plays into it along with an analysis of an image using visual rhetoric in today’s society.

  • Visual Rhetoric to the Macs

    Visual Rhetoric to the Macs

    Allegedly, this is a post about the importance of visual rhetoric. In reality, this is a post where I go off a little about how Macs look.

  • Communicating Through Text

    Communicating Through Text

    Text has become the main source of communication and we use it daily in life. We use text through written words, paper, books, and texting.