How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • Types of Coding

    Types of Coding

    Technology is looked at from a behind the scenes perspective, as far as accessibility for humans regarding different coding systems.

  • Procedural Rhetoric 

    Procedural Rhetoric 

    Understanding the various aspects of the term “digital” is crucial to knowing how procedural rhetoric and digital rhetoric intercept.

  • Procedural Rhetoric

    Procedural Rhetoric

    Procedural rhetoric can be a part of digital rhetoric, but that isn’t always the case. When learning is done digitally it is, otherwise no.

  • Oh, Great, There’s Rhetoric in Code, Too.

    Oh, Great, There’s Rhetoric in Code, Too.

    Rhetoric in code exists, and it permeates your life more than you think. Your favorite social media site, music site, etc. are all in on it.

  • Rhetoric of Code

    Rhetoric of Code

    A novice, barely, attempting to gain a better understanding in coding and learning how rhetoric comes into the equation.

  • Wk 11: Separation between Old and New Media

    Wk 11: Separation between Old and New Media

    Eyman discusses multiple experts’ definition of new media, what it entails and how it’s formed. But when does new media become old?