How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • Rhetoric in New and Old Media

    Rhetoric in New and Old Media

    As media continues to develop into more digital forms and away from traditional forms, how does media and content interplay with rhetoric?

  • Your Choice of Medium Says a Lot

    Your Choice of Medium Says a Lot

    Your choice of medium changes what you can say. What you can say will determine rhetorical control. What can you say with electric lights?

  • Ideas in Media

    Ideas in Media

    Based on class discussion and J.D. Applen’s chapter a college student develops a better understanding of new and old media.

  • what’s the norm?

    what’s the norm?

    writing reshaped conciseness, bridging past innovations with modern tech. oral languages persists admits digital dominance.

  • Continuous Changes of Printing Times

    Continuous Changes of Printing Times

    I’ve seen many changes in the world. I was there when my mom traded in her flip phone for her first iPhone. Watched as my family members…

  • The Age of Print

    The Age of Print

    There’s been several ages of print, some later than others, but what does that mean for us as we move into the digital age?