How many textures and colors can one building express? How many ideas can one class blog contain?

Our Class Blog

Come along as we explore Writing for Digital Spaces. New posts arrive weekly throughout the semester.

  • Platforms


    Technology and other platforms allow people to become exposed to new experiences, however, children need to seek more hands on devices.

  • Platform Importance

    Platform Importance

    Every platform has a different vibe as well as a certain amount of constraints and affordances. All of this impacts the type of message.

  • Mediums and the Message Behind them

    Mediums and the Message Behind them

    McLuhan argues that the medium is the message. So what message is digital technology conveying when it comes to education?

  • new media, guidelines

    new media, guidelines

    Digital rhetoric’s “new media” includes blogs, podcasts, and social platforms. Lev Manovich’s principles highlight their impact on modern communication.

  • The Cheat Code to Life

    The Cheat Code to Life

    Code isn’t just a bunch of fancy numbers that hackers throw around. It’s technologically persuasive, thanks to procedural rhetoric.

  • That New-New (Media)

    That New-New (Media)

    What do you think when you hear the term “new media”? A new song release? A new post from your fave YouTuber? Well, Doug Eyman thinks…a lot (again)!