Category: Wk 4: Digital Literacy
Putting the “Lit” in Digital Literacy
Once again, I’m faced with Doug Eyman’s musings to showcase the evolution of the conversation around digital literacy. Save me.
Digital Literacy
Redefining Digital Literacy and overcoming limitations, measuring DL, and tailoring strategies to enhance your unique digital skillset.
Digital Rhetoric
Everything that it takes for one to understand a digital space takes literacy. The knowledge of one terms piles up on another.
Digital Literacy
What does Doug Eyman believe digital literacy to be?How can the understanding of digital literacy impact the way society functions as a whole?
Literacy, Literacy, and Lit-er-a-cy
I can’t speak for everyone, but I can that I am getting tired of the term “literacy”. I mean, it’s constant. We used it heavily in Intro to Writing
Digital Literacy: A Constant Change
A look at the definition of digital literacy, along with some examples of how changes in technology affect one’s literacy.
The digital age requires digital literacy
To meet the challenges of the digital age, we need to improve digital literacy, so how do we do it correctly? How can we improve our digital literacy?
Digital Literacy And You
Digital literacy is a must-have for digital rhetoric. Without any understanding of the topic, you will be unable to understand the rhetoric.
Digital Literacy
Digital literacy is very complex to understand. You can know different skills, language, spaces, and technologies and still be lost.
Wk 4: The depth of Digital Literacy
Defining terms that we have known our whole life may be difficult. For that, Eyman explains the components, what is and isn’t digital literacy
Digital Literacy Defined
With digital technology constantly advancing, will younger children acquire digital literacy faster than most adults strive for?
Digital Literacy
New ideas on the concept of digital literacy and why it should be taught to students, from internet forums to all it has to offer.
Digital Literacy is a Two-Way Process
Digital literacy encompasses every little competency you’ve got for using the device you’re using. Having trouble? It’s not all your fault.
Hypertext: How a Rhetorical Choice can Equal Literacy
Hypertext, when used in digital spaces, can improve the functionality of a webpage. This one rhetorical choice demonstrates digital literacy.
Understanding Digital Literacy
In this blog post ill be talking about Digital Literacy and how I learned about what it was, I also mention different Digital media